1:1 EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
Service Description
EMDR is a relatively new therapy established within the last 10 years or so. It is an extremely effective treatment for people – children as well as adults – who have had traumatic experiences. It is also helpful for a variety of emotional and behavioural problems in adults and children. When something dangerous happens, our body and brain respond in a different way. Our body recognises the emergency and takes protective action. The messages to the brain seem to be put into an emergency store, often without going through the normal memory-forming processes. These experiences, with the original sounds, thoughts and feelings are recorded in the brain as raw unprocessed information. Sometimes the brain does not process them in the normal way to form ordinary memories. Furthermore, they are even stored in a different part of the brain. Traumatic memories seem to become ‘locked’ in the brain in their raw form. When these memories are recalled, they can be very upsetting. Sometimes, they can be triggered apparently out of the blue causing flashbacks, nightmares and outbursts. They can make it very difficult to deal with ordinary stressful situations in the calm and reasonable way we normally would. EMDR ‘unblocks’ the brain’s processing so that traumatic memories become ordinary ones. Contact us at enquiries@collywobblesltd.com to arrange an assessment to see if EMDR therapy may be appropriate.
Contact Details
Collywobbles, 20 Longman Road, Inverness, UK